Alex Gangitano on KCRW
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SoCal Dems head to swing state Nevada to turn out votes
Election 2024SoCal Democrats anxious to help win the presidential election for Kamala Harris are road-tripping to swing states where they can make a bigger impact.
Lena Herzog: You cannot win a nuclear war
PoliticsThough one can debate the reasons, statistics and precedent of nuclear war, what is often left out of the conversation is the reality of it: destruction of the world as a whole.
Election results in Orange County could reshape Congress
Orange CountyThe outcome of congressional races in Orange County could determine whether Republicans keep their majority in the House of Representatives.
Overlooked voters could sway close OC race, thanks to nonprofit
Election 2024Young progressives with Chispa rallied Latino voters for Democrat Derek Tran in OC’s 45th District, a race that hasn’t been called.
Prop 4: Here’s what’s in California’s $10B climate bond measure
Climate changeTen billion dollars doesn’t go far when it comes to adapting to climate change, but the state has a lot of projects planned, should this bond measure pass.
What are the differences between conservatism, Trumpism, and GOP?
PoliticsWhat is a “never Trump” Republican? Both Trump and Harris are trying to win over swing and Centrist voters. Plus, conflict in the Middle East turns to Lebanon.
Will Trump or Harris win undecided voters?
Election 2024The final campaign days are here. How are early voters affecting candidate strategies? Plus, the panel discusses how abortion rights may change the Nevada battleground.
Should we re-frame our idea of ‘working class’ voters?
PoliticsDoes “working class” mean what it used to? Is fracking getting more attention than it deserves? Plus, KCRW examines what came out of one culture war in Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
Got parking in Inglewood? Congrats, you’re winning
TransportationWith the new stadiums in Inglewood, businesses with parking are thriving, while those without feel the city’s economic boom is passing them by.